This Is War!

Haves Versus Have Nots – Time to Fight Back

Its Not Paranoid When They Really Are Out To Get You

Posted on | June 16, 2011 | No Comments

It’s bad enough that the republicans do the oligarchs bidding and attack us every day.  It really gets depressing though when the democrats do the same thing. There are very few people in Washington that fight for us.  Two of them are being sold out by the democrats this week.

First we’ve got Elizabeth Warren. Everyone who doesn’t have their lips pressed to a banker’s buttocks agrees that she is the right person to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  Her critics warned that she didn’t have enough managerial experience to run the bureau and she quickly proved them wrong. She knows what she’s talking about, she’s not afraid to stand up to congress or the banks, and she actually cares about consumer protection as opposed to rich bastard protection. So Obama is desparately trying to find someone else to nominate as head of the bureau. 

Then we’ve got Anthony Weiner.  I don’t hear anyone else in congress calling out Clarence Thomas for his blatant and unethical conflicts of interest and tax fraud.  But I also didn’t hear anyone else in congress stick up for him.  I’m not asking them to condone his actions, but how about staying neutral or at least saying that the resignation decision is between him and his family and his constituents. Based on congress’s unfavorable rating in every poll ever taken, I suspect most voters are like me and assume all of our politicians are texting, fondling, groping, screwing, and stealing everything they can get their fat little fingers on.  We know they screw us every minute of every day. So here’s one that got caught NOT screwing anyone.  Abnormal behavior for a congressman to be sure, but really a firing offense. Now the only person that thinks Clarence Thomas should be investigated and possibly impeached is me and they won’t let me make speeches about it on CSPAN.

Worst of all, Weiner sold himself out. Here’s the press conference I so wanted to hear from him but didn’t:

Please accept my apology. I did some stupid things and I’ve learned from them and will be a better person, a better husband, and a better congressman in the future because of that.  However, I didn’t do anything illegal, I didn’t hurt anyone, and I’m not planning on resigning.  The people of New York are my bosses and if they want to fire me in 2012 then they will do that and I will accept their judgement.  Now, if that’s not good enough for you and you want me to resign before then, I will make a deal with you.  I will resign when prostitute fucking, diaper wearing David Vitter resigns. I will resign when Tom Coburn resigns for aiding and abetting Senator Ensigns illegal activities. I will resign when congenital liar Paul Ryan admits that his budget is a piece of crap that will destroy our country. I will resign when Fox news actually is fair and balanced. I will resign when pubic hair joker, crazy tea party wife, tax defrauder, conflict of interest justice Clarence Thomas resigns. I will resign when 100 rich assholes at AIG that almost took down the world’s economy are rotting in jail or executed. I will resign when the bankers that forged paperwork, and took houses from millions of hard working Americans are in jail. And finally, I will resign when the admitted torturer’s who lied us into a war that has killed over 4000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi women and children George Bush and Dick Cheney are in jail. Until then, You Are Stuck With Me and I’m Not Going to Ease Up.  If you have any questions, tweet me.


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The Middle Class made America great, but we've been under attack since Reagen and we are on the ropes. Don't despair though. You've seen the movies. American heroes need to be knocked down once or twice before they get back up and kick a little ass. We've been knocked down a bunch. Now it's time to get up and kick some ass.

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